No Mayoralty for You
Thursday, November 9 at 4:28 p.m.
As I was walking down St. George Street a few minutes ago, someone handed me a flyer for a student from Ryerson University who's running for Mayor.

Here's a quote:

I am running for mayor because I feel that youths are not properly represented in politics and our opinions are always voiced but rarely taken seriously. As a student, I feel that working together and supporting each other as a whole; I can represent a larger, younger voice in politics

What can I say to that?

Sorry my friend, but there's no way I'm going to vote for you if you don't know how to use a semicolon properly. It's a matter of principle.

The least you could have done was to have someone, preferably an English major, proofread your paper.
Good for you. That bugs me too
Anonymous Anonymous at 12/03/2006 12:33:00 a.m.  
I once didn't go to a party as she misspelled Masquerade on the invite... Clearly we are related..
And yes I'm catching up on reading your blog..
Good for you. That bugs me too
Anonymous Anonymous at 12/03/2006 12:33:00 a.m.  
I once didn't go to a party as she misspelled Masquerade on the invite... Clearly we are related..
And yes I'm catching up on reading your blog..