Monday, June 30 at 10:40 a.m.
As defined by Wikipedia:

In publishing, a colophon describes details of the production of a book. This information generally includes the typefaces used, and often the names of their designers; the paper, ink and details of the binding materials and methods may also receive mention.

This site began as a design hobby during the summer of 2003. It was initially created on an IBM Thinkpad 600e using Notepad and Adobe Photoshop. Since then, it has evolved into the blog that you are reading.

Nowadays most of the writing and design is done on my PowerBook G4. The graphics are still created and edited using Adobe Photoshop. The code and markup for this most recent design was created in Smultron, a fantastic open-source code/text editor written for the Macintosh platform. Blogger, and now Google, graciously host this site for the unbeatable price of free. Stats are provided by StatCounter.

I highly doubt that my code will validate in its present state, but that is one of my long-term goals. Another long-term goal is to eventually expand the site into an online portfolio of sorts.

Sorry, that last one should have read very long-term goal.

If you'd like to know more about me, visit the About page.

Last updated: 2006.04.25